Student Overseas Travel Guideline
海外渡航届/Report of Temporary Leave
At our university, submitting a "Report of Temporary Leave" is mandatory to ensure the safety of students during emergencies, such as natural disasters, accidents, or outbreaks of infectious diseases while traveling abroad.
Students must submit the required documents outlined below, regardless of the purpose of their travel.
準備する書類/documents to prepare
- 母国への帰省 visiting your hometown (1)~(4)
- 留学生 帰省以外 all travel except visiting home (1)~(5)
- 日本人学生 (1)~(6)、3ヶ月以上滞在の場合は (7) も提出
提出方法/How to submit:google form (1)
Deadline:1 week before departure
提出書類/Required documents
(1) |
Google Form 海外渡航届 日本人学生用 Report of Temporary Leave 留学生用 for international students |
(2) |
フライトスケジュール(乗継ぎを含む eチケット)のコピー Photocopy of your flight schedule including transit |
(3) |
教員承認フォーム/Faculty Approval Form 指導教員(クラス担任)の押印が必要です。 Your supervisor's stamp is required. |
(4) |
次のどちらか/Either of the following ☆【本学のプログラムで渡航する場合/travel for a university study program】 (in Japanese) 承諾書兼誓約書/ ☆【国際学会・帰省を含む私事渡航等の場合/travel for a conference or personal reasons】 |
(5) |
海外旅行保険証券のコピー(クレジットカード付帯保険の場合も含む) Photocopy of your travel insurance policy (including credit cards incidental insurance) |
(6) |
たびレジ登録画面のコピー (日本人) applicable to Japanese students only |
(7) |
在留届け登録画面のコピー (日本人該当者) applicable to Japanese students only |
If you need to change your travel plan, please inform the International Student Section and your supervisor.
問い合わせ先/For Inquiries:
学生課留学生支援係/International Student Section
email: ryugaku@office.tut.ac.jp
たびレジ・在留届/Tabi Regi and Residence Report
たびレジ/Tabi Regi
This is a free service that allows you to receive the latest safety information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japanese. For your own safety, please register for all countries and cities you plan to visit.
Your supervisors are also required to register for the Tabi Regi to receive the safety information for their students.
在留届/Residence Report
海外に住所又は居所を定めて、3か月以上滞在する日本人は、在留届を提出することが義務付けられています。日本出発の 3ヶ月前から提出できます。[Japanese students only]