海外渡航届の提出について/Report of Temporary Leave
TUT requires the submission of Report of Temporary Leave for the purpose of confirming the safety of students in the event of an emergency such as a disaster, incident, accident, or infectious disease at an overseas destination.
For any purpose, please be sure to submit the following documents when going abroad.
提出書類/Required documents |
提出期限/Deadline | 渡航の一週間前まで By one week before you leave |
提出先/Where to submit |
Google Form |
注意点/Important notice |
(※)母国への帰省時は除く。(Except for temporary return of international students to their home countries)
- 海外渡航届 (Google フォーム)
- 海外渡航届_海外実務訓練参加者用 (Google フォーム)
- 海外渡航届教員承認書 (Google フォームにアップロード)
- 承諾書兼誓約書(日本語版)(※学内のプログラムで渡航する場合)
- 誓約書(※私事渡航・国際学会等の場合)
外国人留学生用/For International Students
- 海外渡航届/Report of Temporary Leave (Google form)
- 海外渡航届教員承認書/ Faculty Approval Form
- 承諾書兼誓約書/Statement of Acceptance and Pledge(English)(※For TUT's study abroad programs)
- 誓約書/Pledge(※For private travel, international conferences)
たびレジの登録・在留届の提出について/Tabi Regi and Residence Report
たびレジ/Tabi Regi
This is a free service that allows you to receive the latest safety information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japanese. For your own safety, you must register for all countries and cities you plan to visit.
In addition, the faculty members are also required to register for the Tabi Regi. They can receive the safety information of the student's travel destination without registering detailed information.
If necessary, please check with the Japanese embassy or consulate in your destination country, the website of the authorities, or the respective embassies in Tokyo for any other information.
在留届/Residence Report
海外に住所又は居所を定めて、3か月以上滞在する日本人は、その地域を管轄する在外公館に速やかに在留届を提出することが義務付けられています。日本出発の 3ヶ月前から提出できます。
Those who have a Japanese passport that stays abroad for more than 3 months are required to submit a residence report to the diplomatic mission abroad.
参考/Other Information
- 学生の海外渡航について(本学ウェブサイト)/Students' Overseas Travel(TUT website)
(English) - 外務省ホームページ/Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- 外務省 海外安全ホームページ/Overseas Safety Information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- 外務省 海外渡航者向けの役立ち情報/Useful Information for International Travelers