
Traffic Safety

Traffic Accidents or Traffic Violations involving Int'l Students

Traffic accidents or Traffic violations involving TUT international students have been reported continuously.
One of the reasons for this frequency is difference of the traffic rules between Japan and other countries.

  • Valid Japanese Driving License is definitely needed when you drive a motorbike or a car.
    *Valid International Driver's License in Japan means International Driver's License issued based on the Geneva Treaty only. Other international driver's license based on the Vienna or other treaties are NOT valid in Japan. If you drive without a valid driver's license, you will be punished as you are considered as "driving without driver's license" and will be a subject to a penalty. Japanese driver's license is necessary for you to drive in Japan.
  • Joining "auto liability mandatory insurance" is necessary when you possess a motorbike or car.
  • In Japan, you will be liable to pay "damage compensation" if you cause a traffic accident. Therefore, you need to join another insurance "voluntary insurance" apart from an auto liability mandatory insurance.
  • In order to enter university campus by car, you are required to obtain the entry permission at Student Affairs Division. Your valid driver's license, automobile inspection certificate and voluntary insurance certificate are necessary to issue the permission.
  • If you sell your motorbike or car, make sure to change the ownership at administrative office. If you scrap your motorbike or car, also make sure to report that to an administrative office.

Make sure to understand the above-mentioned points. In order to accomplish your purpose during your stay in Japan, you need to pay extra attention for the safety of driving.
Traffic accidents involving TUT international students will be posted on CIR homepage.
We request all the international students not to repeat the same kind of accident ever.

Driver's License

International Driver's License

Even though you have an international drivers licence, it must be issued based on the Geneva Treaty.
This means, the licence which is issued under the Vienna Treaty or other treaty cannot be used in Japan.
You will be punished if you drive a car without authorized driver's licence in Japan.
Be sure to switch your license issued in your country to Japanese one.
And if you wish to drive a vehicle inside the campus, never fail to register at Student Affairs Division with your driver's license, certificates of the vehicle inspection and the voluntary insurance.
Meanwhile, do NOT buy a car until you obtain a Japanese driver's license.

Switching Int'l Driver's License to Japanese License

If you want to use International Driver's License, you are obliged to stay 3 months in your own country after re-issuance of the International Driver's License.

Information for Switching a Foreign Driver's License to a Japanese License (JAF website)

A driver's license issued by a foreign administrative office can be switched to a Japanese license by applying to the Driver's License Center.

Japanese Traffic Rules

A number of traffic accidents occur every year in Aichi Prefecture.
Foreign residents are involved in traffic accidents as victims or assailants in an increasing number of cases. To protect yourself from traffic accidents, please abide by the basic rules below.

  • Pedestrians keep to the right, while cars and bicycles keep to the left.
  • Pedestrians have the right-of-way over cars.
  • Observe traffic signals and road signs.
  • Follow the instructions of police officers.

Procedures for Driving on Campus

Do you have a Permission Sticker on your vehicle?

Students are required to submit a completed "Application for Vehicle Registration" with other additional required documents in order to enter university by vehicle.
When your registration is completed, you will be given a permission sticker which should be put at the designated position on your vehicle.

Necessary procedures for driving on campus

In order to apply for permit to enter university by vehicle, you have to follow the university procedures.
You have to fill in the form "Application for Vehicle Registration" at Student Affairs Division.
You also have to submit additional documents listed up below.

Vehicle without Entry Permit

When you enter TUT campus by vehicle without university sticker, you are required to apply for permission for temporary admission at the guard gate.

Ownership Change, Vehicle Disposal

If you sell or give your car or motorcycle to someone or dispose it,make sure to change "Ownership".


In Japan, you will be liable to pay "damage compensation" if you cause a traffic accident.
Therefore, you need to join below two kinds of insurances.
